RAGMS Membership & Renewal
$40 Household/$30 Individual
- Monthly Meetings: Enjoy mutual interests and fellowship with others. Share your unique finds and learn about regional (and beyond) geology and related topics.
- Field Trips: Throughout the year the club will organize trips to visit sites where you will be able to find agate, jasper, obsidian, jade, and other rocks and minerals. All field trips are included.
- Workshop Use: As a member, and after proper training and workshop classes, you can use the workshop and equipment on which you were trained. Hourly fees apply.
- Gift Shop: 10% discount on rock specimens (exclusions apply)
- Newsletter: Receive The Rock Chipper newsletter each month by email (included) or mail subscription (additional $1 per month).
- Library: The club library has educational literature available for you to check out.
- Museum: Unlimited visits to the Crater Rock Museum during your active membership.
- Annual Holiday Bazaar: Rent a table and sell your crafts at our annual sale.
- Gem and Mineral Show: Participate in our annual show – the biggest fundraising event of the year.
- Party and Picnic: Join us twice a year as we gather in December and July for a club party and picnic.
- Classes: We offer these throughout the year. They vary according to the availability of teachers, but they usually include silversmithing, wire wrapping, lapidary, and workshop equipment classes.
- Intro to Workshop/Safety Class: $25
- Geology Class: $20
- Cabochon Class: $30
- Wire Wrapping Class: : $35
Category: Membership